Yesterday while I was up at church setting up, this lady walked over to the church and was trying to get a hold of some family. I asked her if everything was okay, and she said that she was on the way home with her husband since he just got out of the hospital and their car ran out of gas. I willingly gave them a ride home. I love seeing someone so happy :-)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
What is up with this?!?!
I can not sleep at night......I wake up around 2 and stay awake till about 4ish...bah..
Posted by Missy at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Having a BIG brother...can be embarring.....
I got on yahoo messenger to chat with my bro, since this is the only time we usually can chat. Well April is on and first question on the spot was "Who is that guy in the pic with you" then it for yourself: and picture me blushing as you read this......
Rick: who is that suy in the pic with you
Missy: nick.
Rick: *guy
Missy: guy from camp
Rick: is he nice?
Missy: very
Missy: i got his #
Missy: hehehe
Rick: you like him?
Missy: yes
Rick: missy has a BOYFRIEND
Rick: missy has a BOYFRIEND
Rick: missy has a BOYFRIEND
Rick: missy has a BOYFRIEND
Rick: missy has a BOYFRIEND
Rick: missy has a BOYFRIEND
Rick: missy has a BOYFRIEND
Missy: NO
Missy: we are just FRIENDS
Rick: rick wrote that
Missy: plus he lives 7 hours away.
Missy: bah
Rick: he is being mean
Missy: i made that.
Rick: me and rick lived 10 hours away
Posted by Missy at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
I have so so so much to do.
I've just been hit in the face that I AM A SENIOR! There is no going back. It kinda scares me. I'm growing into adult hood. Pretty soon I'll be at masters, then Samuels project, then maybe a pastor. Then it comes to raising a family, becoming a grandma. AHHH make it slow down!
I have to schedule a time to get my Senior pictures made for the yearbook, I have to get fitted for a cap and gown I have to get my senior pictures made to send out with my invites. I have to order my invites. Ahhh.. All this has to be done before May. It's a scary feeling.
It's my last year of school. It's my last year of pep rallies, football games, home coming, dress up week... etc... ah...It really does not seem its time for this. It doesn't. Aug. 25 is my last first day of school. May 30th is my last last day of school. Well high school that is. As I am excited but...I'm also nervous.
Posted by Missy at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I've been really into my bible after I got home from camp and I was reading, this...
Romans 10:13 "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
I was looking at some pictures of my nephew and when I went to visit them last when I rolled upon this one. It really reminded me of that verse I read a little bit ago. Because I view God as a fire fighter. When we are in that burning building we cry out for help and God comes and rescues us no matter how dangerous it is. Just like in our spiritual life, If we are struggling with something we cry out to God and he will save us from our valleys in life. Just like He did with Elijah.
But I'd just though I should share what was on my heart. Here is the picture I took and then photoshoped of D-J and my brother :-)
Posted by Missy at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
It feels SO good to be home. but I still miss camp.
I can't believe how happy I am to be home! Even though camp was WAY awesome. I am still glad to be home, in my OWN room, my OWN bed, have my OWN, shower that I only have to share with mom and dad and not 16 other girls.
I really think my baby (honey) missed me. As I am typing this she is laying in my lap asleep.
Today I get to start the book "21 Days after camp" because it takes 21 Days to start a habit. Maybe I'll get into a habit of reading my bible after 21 days!
I miss camp only because. It was always FREEZING cold in our dorm (as in the a/c was set to 64) because I enjoyed waking up and huddling around my room in a blanket.
I miss the services and worship.
I miss all the wonderful people I hung out with.
I miss the pretty scenery
Posted by Missy at 9:29 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
My favorite camp pictures
Our lovely camp councilor/ dorm monitor Mrs. Joy.
We are wild and crazy. Greater Than. John 14:12 "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."
Our pit stop on the way to camp. Dublin Dr. Pepper Factory. That my friend is A LOT of Dr. Pepper.
Me being weird.
This is what happens when you have wild and crazy people in your cabin. let me tell you it took about an hour to get that brushed out.our lovely sign that says "honk if your hot" stuck to the window with gum.
Colleenfirst night @ camp
We were there for each other. Especially during worship. We hugged each other tightly and prayed with one another during altar time when we were crying.
the lake.
Nick and I
Posted by Missy at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Our Cabin.
This is what they looked like. but this isn't ours
entrance. A is not shown its to the left. Our cabin was B the one on the right and C was in the middle.
Our two showers.
our 9 beds.
more beds but these are ours.
this is my bed :-)
Posted by Missy at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Summer Camp
Oh my gosh Camp was SO amazing. God worked in several areas in my life. I met TONS of great people, had TONS of fun, and even met a guy named Nick.. Amazing huh? His story comes later. First and for most more we must go in order........
We got to camp had tons of fun playing in weird things while waiting for our dorm assignments. I went on a thing called the Orbit. It was freaken awesome! It made me amazingly dizzy though. haha. Then we went and found our dorm got to met the people we stayed with and had a fun time making ourself at home haha. and then we discovered that we had 17 girls in our dorm with 2 showers. YES you read correctly 2 showers 17 girls. Amazingly we survived and ALL showered everyday! Then there was service. God immediately started moving in my life. Delivering me from Worry, Stress, etc... That my friend is all in worship, we have not even HEARD the sermon yet. But we had service and our speaker was so cute and funny His name was Jason Peterson. He spoke on how the altar was our place to talk to God and how it just does something when you get up and go from YOUR seat to the ALTAR. Well at the altar I broke down crying praying for peace and strength to get through the week without worry and stress from me being away from my mom since she was going to be home alone and stuff this week. Well God told me "Leave it to me Missy, I will take care of her" Then I prayed for healing in her feet, and God told me that "She is HEALED, she just has to accept it, believe it and live it" Truly a burden lifted off my heart. Then we had our late night service and had tons of crazy fun sung the "night song" and off to bed we went at 12:30 am... Didn't go to sleep till closer to 2 am...
We got up at 8:30 ate and went back to clean our dorm. Then went to the tabernacle and had crazy fun with our teams and stuff May I mention I was a WHITE MONKEY! GO WHITE!!! and we had some competitions and most of the girls (including myself) were cheerleaders! After our morning challenge we had our devotion time in our cabin with our dorm monitors. Cabin 2 B was our cabin. (Colleen, Mexa, Danielle, Jayme, and I) and we talked about Faith. and what we thought it was and stuff. Hebrews 11:1 was our verse...After our small groups we went to lunch and then went back to the tabernacle for our afternoon challenges. We played games against one team. like blue and get the point.. then after that we had Free time. I went on the seedo and got thrown off the tube and skid across the water on my face. blacked out for a min. The guy that was driving kinda freaked out and was asking me if I was okay like 100 times! But all I had was abit of a black and swollen eye. Then we had to clean up and go to dinner and service. That night we talked about Elijah and the valleys in life that we will face. I really took to heart what he said...."If God is all you want you will not go through these valleys alone, God will be there with us. God of the impossible will fight for YOUR life" That was truly amazing. I LOVED this sermon. God again spoke to me, and during worship I just broke down crying again. But this time I was seeking God to help me get through the valleys in my life. and I was shaking, praying in the spirit, and just getting filled. I then went to find Landon because I just needed him at this point. and I told him what I was feeling and what God was telling me and he asked me how I felt, and I said scared. He told me "Missy just let it all go" and when Landon told me that I fell to the ground because my legs were shaking so bad. and I felt God come into my body. Starting from my head, I was completely numb, and my hand was stuck in this weird possession and I could not move it. Colleen played with it and moved my fingers but they just went back to that possession. It was amazingly weird. then we had snack shake and late night and went to bed.
We had our morning challenges and then our small group. It was amazing! We talked about how God was our Councilor! John 14:16-17 And also about the holy spirit. The main thing I got out of that is that Jesus and His disciples worked together. And that means if I want to be like Jesus then I need to work together with my Christian friends to help others know Christ. Then it was time for our afternoon challenge. We were playing slip and slide kick ball. with 2 bases. 1st base was a swimming pool and you had to jump into it then when you were ready slip on the slip and slide. Well when I went to get on the slip and slide I fell backwards and hit my head really hard and spent a good 2 hours in the nurses station with ice on my head. I ended up with 2 knots on the back of my head and 1 on my neck. It hurt. They kept me in there for awhile because I had blurry vision and I got dizzy really easily and I had a lot of pressure on the back of my head. And after they released me to go to my cabin to get ready for service, I was walking by myself and this guy came up and started talking with me and introducing himself and stuff. At the night service we talked about Selfish vs. Selfless. and went through Peters life. How he did not follow God then he did. and the only two verses in the bible that talks about coal used in a fire were the two times Jesus met with Peter. It was an amazing service.
We had our morning challenge and then our small group. I had no voice so I didn't get to put my turn to talk and share things that had happen or what my thoughts were :-( But we talked about Serving others. Mark 10:23 and Just by doing the most simplest thing like straightening up your table at a restaurant can serve someone. And Serving others means Serving others even when they don't deserve it. I think this was my favorite time at small group Just because the smallest things can make a BIG difference. and so after small groups we had the IRON MAN competition! WAH! As I was walking to the lake Nick caught up with me and we talked....hehehe.I got to swim in the lake and smell like a fish. ew. It was fun. Red team won though :-( Our last night at service Jason talked about Preparing the way mainly it talked about how we need to sacrifice to serve God. If you want to be like Jesus You HAVE to live like he did. I enjoyed this service to. After service is when things got to be interesting. I got Nicks # and HIS email addy! EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee. If you REALLY know me you know that thats not something I would do. Okay well I got half of it. Danielle got his # for me and then the guys didn't think I had it in me to get his myspace or email or whatever. But I did!
But now for the conclusion. I'm glad to be home. One week at camp is a work out! and may I mention nasty. Wearing the SAME clothes everyday for competitions. having sweat, paint, lake water, mud, etc. thrown all over you was nasty. but at least God provided showers! ha.
Posted by Missy at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
and...I'm OFF!
To camp that is. Well at 8 am but wont have time to blog. All I got to say is look froward to amazing life changing stories and pictures!
Love ya!
Posted by Missy at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
It's official
I am finally fished packing. except for my tooth brush and straightener.
Posted by Missy at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
I've been inspired
I've been inspired to write another story. It's presence will appear on here soon. I have a ton of great ideas and wrote then down through out the day. It starts out sad, and depressing but it's going to have a good ending. It's called "I found home"
Posted by Missy at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
- I don't understand WHY this keeps happening. I watch a good movie or take a nice long shower and get great thoughts about a new story and when I sit down to write it, I lose everything. This is so annoying!
- Every time my room is spic and span, the next day it looks like a tornado went through it.
- I STILL have laundry to fold, I got some done but not a lot.
- I've been sick at my stomach all day.
- I'm tired but can't sleep.
- I'm tired of trying to figure stuff out on my own.
- I have a head ache
- maybe I should try going back to sleep.
Posted by Missy at 11:45 PM 0 comments
I'm trying something new...
I want to change my blog layout. But last time I did it, I messed it up tremendously, and I had La save it. Hopefully I do not make the mistake again.
Posted by Missy at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I went shopping and bought NOTHING black.
I started to pack and realized I have NOTHING to wear to camp (even though I REALLY didn't need to spend the money I did, I did...)except for BLACK. I want to be outta the black stage of life and into a colorful world of whatever. cant find a word to fit in the blank.
Anyways I spent a grand total of $47. leaving me with a grand total of $100 left in my bank account that I can not TOUCH. bah.
I went with Sam girl and got all the cuteness, at Ross and Rue 21. and the amazing part about it, NOTHING, is too big. Well I take that back the lime green shirt with the pink tank top and the brown tank top are a tiny to big by 1 size, I was thinking they may shrink in the wash.
this cute bracelet to go with my pinkness.
these pants i got for $2.47 the shirt $3. something and the pants zip at the bottom so cute!these pants. guess what size they are...they are a 3. I can't believe they fit. these also button up to be shorter on the side. and may I add this was the most expencive thing I bought for a grand total of $10.99
then there's this outfit. I wore tonight. I call it my "Strawberry kiwi" look. very bright. then the pants are soooooo comphy. they button up on the side, haven't quite figured that out yet.
better view of the pants. Excuse the retardedness of myself.
Posted by Missy at 11:33 PM 0 comments
I lead her to her seat, and she trusted me not to bang her into a wall :-)
He waited paitentily while I found Sarah and Delana.
And then she opened her eyes! (May I add Landons face is priceless.)
I think she likes her present!
Cathy and I did these
Posted by Missy at 11:03 PM 1 comments
I can FINALLY let it out.
This has been very hard to keep secrete. VERY HARD! But tonight we threw Sarah a little baby shower. Sam and I have been discussing it for a very long time, probably about since February. It came up in conversations then disappeared. But I finally said "Lets throw her a surprise baby shower" because I was at target looking at baby stuff to get ideas for my new nephew. and Sam was working and was on break and then I asked her if she wanted to come with me. We looked at a cradle there. And got ideas, we browsed the internet at school during journalism and looked at stuff. then I came across this. It was then decided for sure we wanted to get a cradle. We believed in Faith and prayed and we raised around $230 by a garage sale, people pitching in money, and most of all by Gods grace. I talked to Delana about it before making any final decisions and she helped us order things and everything.
Then comes Landon.... I sent out letters to all the parents of the youth telling them about it and stuff, and I had to ask Landon for the addresses. He asked "why?" I said "I can't tell you until later" well that didn't happen...That man can get ANYTHING out of you.
Then I am just so joyful that my sis is prego again because I got idea's from Sarah! Did I mention I lied to her on Sunday? Well I did. Shame on me yes I know... But I had the "O" in grayson and forgot it at Cathy's house and she brought it to church, and I asked Sarah "Do you like this" and she did, she asked who its for and I said Dakoda. She had no clue what I was talking about because I always address Dakoda-Jaymes by D-J. But then she said "You are such a lyer." or something in that nature tonight when she saw the letters. Love you Sarah :-)
The cradle I have to say has been the most stressful thing of all. Delana ordered the one Sarah REALLY liked from JcPenny, and then they emailed her and said they don't carry that one anymore. So we had cradle bedding but no cradle. But we got another one from JcPenny that I LOVE!
But in all we got her a lot of cute stuff. Even Ellie
She has a baby grayson to.
A Garco doll stroller with a carrier that fits into it like a travel system
The cradle
Cradle bedding
baby Shampoo, and lotion
"Bling" passies
hand sanitizer.
a blanket (from cathy)
two stuffed animals (from cathy)
I think thats all.
Posted by Missy at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Still on here.
2 loads of Laundry still sit unfolded. my suit case has only a few things in it. guess this isn't going to get done till last min. I hate packing, its worse then cleaning my room. by the way I did rearrange it today! Love it I will post pictures soon! Or maybe now :-)
Did I mention tomorrow may be an exciting day? My last BIG order should be here. plus I have to retake the Math taks test. boo...
Here are pics.
view from door
computer desk
my bed
I have a ton of baby stuff in my room, yes i know. And it all goes to my baby nephew when he makes his appearance in October :-)
Posted by Missy at 8:56 PM 0 comments