Sunday, March 29, 2009
Posted by Missy at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Say What????
Yep! I'm blond! I went and got my hair highlighted yesterday, I'm in love with it. But I had an allergic reaction to something my stylist used and my head started itching and burning, I washed it but it got worse. Mom looked at it and I had little blisters forming. I went back to my stylist today and she said no more washing it until Monday then to use this shampoo she gave me once a month but the conditioner till its gone but I have to leave it in for 15 mins. For the mean time to use silk therapy. It seems to be working some but still not back to normal. But its all good. I LOVE my hair and I guess thats all that matters....
Posted by Missy at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I'm not losing my mind.
I have been wanting to be able to do something for other people, help their life, bless them, save them, etc... It's something I would feel comfortable doing, It will be a challenge, and be emotional but I feel its the right time and the right opportunity to do so....before I keep leaving you in anticipation on what it is...I am going to apply to be a volunteer fire fighter! I told you i am not losing my mind. Its just so heart warming to know that I may can be able to save someones life, and Gods beautiful creation here on earth... I am praying about it and I know that if this is REALLY what God wants me to do I will do it.
Posted by Missy at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Learning new things...
Giving DJ a bath. I go to get a diaper, than I hear (keep in mind high pitch screaming) "Missy I go poo poo in the bathtub Missy" All that went through my head was oh no...I go to see him standing in a bath full of poo. YUCK! I go looking for my mom to see what to do, no ones home, just DJ and I....Wow...New lesson I thought I'd never have to learn... Whats next! Throw something at me!
Posted by Missy at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
The moment you have been waiting for... Pictures of Joe and I
Weird story but it's worth it. Gladys and I were rooming together at the hotel in Galveston and we decided to walk across the way to talk to Dane in his room for awhile. All three of us were looking out the window when we say people waving at us. So we wrote on papers dark enough so they could read them. Then these guys joined in and they actually called our room (because we wrote the room number down 708)Dane had this wild and crazy idea to go down and meet our "window friends" And we met two of them Joe and Nicole. We all exchanged numbers. Then Joe and I were texting and decided to meet up that night to hang out some. So we did and he's a doll. We walked around the hotel and talked about our interests and we went up to the top floor to look down and see the lights shone by Galveston, well actually just to see how far we could see. But then curfew was approaching us so he walked me half way to my room and then left. We then texted more and I remember a text he sent me "You are so beautiful" That is so sweet that a guy would say that. If we lived closer him and I would date. But we are remaining friends because He is about to go into the air force and I am entering college. But moving on. The next morning we met up again, walked around more, talked...then I needed to go back to my room to finish some stuff before our group left. So we texted all day, then that afternoon it was their last day there the night of the award ceremony and they were leaving shortly after it. So we met up again, but this time he came to my room to get come get me...Everyone knew about him and my teachers met him, embarrassed us both, took pictures, then we were on our way! We walked around more and said our goodbyes. He walked me back to my room and that's the last I saw of him. My teacher and the other sponsor embarrassed me more. They said "You picked out a cutie!" and much more. But Joe is so kind. There's something about him most guys don't show. He's kind and very outgoing which is always a plus in my book. He shows off a wonderful personality, attitude and he doesn't talk about weird random things but yet we talked about our school, education, etc... But I wish Joe lived here so I could show him off to all my family and friends. But for now I just have pictures.
Posted by Missy at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The words can explain.
I just finished editing these. They are my favorite. I love the ocean. I would love to live there one day if I could. It toally amazes me!
Posted by Missy at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Friday is the day my babies are coming to see me! I get to spend two weeks with my Dakoda-Jaymes. Oh how I am so excited! I love them so much, seeing their cute little faces and having them in my arms again will be the greatest feeling ever! I can't wait!
I love you babies and I will see you Friday!!!
Posted by Missy at 5:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
You must wait...
I have a post and pictures that will come soon on a guy I met in Galveston. but I do not have the picture. its on my teachers camera. so yall must wait :-)
Posted by Missy at 11:11 PM 0 comments
My new bff I met him on the beach. He's my lover bird!
The pool at the hotel! I went swimmen sure did! In February in a bikini!
I love this place!
Walking on the beach you hear...crunch...crunch...crunch... all shells...
My new penguin friends...This is Fatty the King.
I don't have a name for him yet...he's just hungry lolThis is Lacy.
This is little guy. He has a hurt foot :-(
This is Fatty Jr.
This one is snazzy. He likes to show off.
Hello cute adorable sea horse. <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
IKE water line. 7 feet.
The coolest high school teachers you will ever meet!
Sha ocean and I! I call her beauty.
Gladys and I. We rule the ocean that is!!
Brennan and I. DECA losers, I met him at Rain Forest Caf.
Cameron and I. He works at Rain Forest.
Lake View and Central DECA losers and our new friend....ummm...billy.
A dress... a STRAPLESS dress... wow...
Posted by Missy at 9:22 PM 3 comments