Monday, December 14, 2009

A visit to the doctor...

I've been having really bad chest/heart pains for awhile and went to the doctor finally because i was short of breath yesterday and they did an EKG, blood tests, and a chest x-ray and the EKG and x-ray turned out good but the blood test indicated i have an abnormally low red blood cell count which is leading to iron defencey and the doctor also indicated that i have arthritis in my chest which could be from anxiety.. I am taking a 6 day steroid to help with the arthritis and pain medication. but all in all im glad it was nothing serious.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Did I mention...

I'm 19 now =]

Some updates finally

I got a new job working for Angla at her church - totally love it! Got to quit the day care and so much stress has left me since than. I also got another job working at a place called healthy families where I watch children while their parents are in some kinda group therapy stuff so they can work things out to stay with each other or something like that.

I also got a new boyfriend Chris <3 hes awesome. Nothing bad happened with Haley and I but after knowing each other most of our lives it was best we just were friends so we didnt ruin anything between our friendship and Chris is actually his best friend and Haley thinks its awesome that I am with Chris. We've been together 2 weeks today =]

I survived my first semester of college! Passed my english exit exam so I dont have to take remedial in there I can move on to college english! I am still in remedial math but the second part of it! I am taking bowling, math, english, and photography next semester its gonna be so fun! I am excited!

I have the most awesome dog who poses for me when I want to do a photoshoot! Totally awesome! Heres some pictures!