Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just kidding.....& random stuff...

April is driving down here tomorrow night. hehe we don't gotta go get them. (how 'bout that for grammar) I'm so super excited.

  • On the other hand... I HAD a friend who use to be all hard core christian and stuff and it seems that she has changed...I don't know... All I can do is pray...Ever since she became a Sr. in high school and graduated and stared college she has not been the same. It's weird. I have no clue what happened.
  • I set up the baby cradle last night. So super fun. It was mine when I was a baby. Now my nephew gets to use it. It looks brand new, but its 17 ALMOST 18 years old...
  • I can't wait for another fun day at school. It's been a really fun week for me.
  • I'm going to be an emo princess for Halloween. since I already own some of the clothes n stuff..ha...what gave me the idea is that they asked us to wear black tomorrow if we are not going to wear our Halloween costumes. Soooooo yeah... Emo princess came from Jeremy Lopez.
anyways have a super fantablous day!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Saturday, Saturday, Saturday!

Saturday we are driving to College Station to get April, D-J and Vincent. I'm so excited because they are staying 3 weeks with us because Ricky has to go help in some town for the hurricane disaster relief stuff. We have a cradle that is set up for the baby. It's so cute! I'll post pictures once I get my dads camera...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Quote of the day

Life is like a figure it out!

If I had the little mood thing on here it would say "confused"

oh the random things that come to me at 9:42 at night.

photo shoot!

I am getting to take family pictures of my brothers little family! I'm super excited! I think we might do them Saturday. I get to use my super nice camera that is going to kill me because of film. but I can't wait. They need family pictures that are not "fake" from the studio. Stuff in nature that is pretty. I hope they turn out good!

Should I feel Guilty?

I signed up yesterday to give blood but chickened out today when they sent a pass for me and didn't go. I was scared.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A special Sunday

Next Sunday my nephews are being dedicated. The thing that makes this special is that SAF is church my brother and I were both dedicated at. and now the babies are getting dedicated. I can't wait!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Baby Vincent @13 days old

Friday, October 24, 2008

My poor camera.

It's not even 1 year old yet and I have to buy a new one. The little thing where your conecter thing goes in something is wrong with it and it wont read or download my pictures.

But my daddy loves me SOOO much he is buying me this one with his points he earned with his work. I got to pick it out and this one looks so much better. The sad thing is it's on back order for 6-7 weeks. They said that it will take about that long to get it here too :-(

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

5 things on my mind right now

  1. I really hope I passed the TAKS test.
  2. I have Senior pictures tomorrow...what am I going to wear?
  3. Will I ever stop coughing.
  4. Why am I so cold?
  5. I'm ready for bed.
Today has been such a long day. Taking the TAKS test took up most of it. I really hope I passed. It was hard, no joke.

I was also counted absent from a class I attended today. I asked if I could go to another teacher the sub said "yes whats your name?" I told him he said "I wont count you absent" but he did. Now I have to go fix that with my teacher tomorrow....

I bought Baby Vincent some cute clothes today. I can't wait to see them. 2 more weeks!

Monday, October 20, 2008

I do not have time for this.

I am sick. I have acute sinusitis. ( i think thats how you spell it.) I do not have time to be sick. I have a busy week ahead of me.

Wednesday- i have my retest for my math taks test, I am ordering my nephews bedding and getting him some clothes so he can be warm and not necked and getting him some diapers, i have church...

Thursday - I'm getting my car cleaned really good for my senior photos taken by Jenny. I'm so excited, I'm getting a free makeover too!

Friday - finish getting baby V's things

Saturday - help my dad repair a house

Sunday - Church

then around Friday my week slows back down. but that still dosn't mean I have time to be sick. and my babies are coming down in 2 weeks. I can't wait to see my precious nephews. I am going to spoil them rotten!

I'm planning on taking D-J shopping for toys. I am going to see into getting a V-motion for him, I really think he would enjoy it. and maybe some hot wheel cars for him. and I'll let him pick out something for baby V.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Happy 1 week birthday Squishie!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

So thankful

Dear God,
I am so thankful that you brought a new bundle of joy into my family. I think you so much for giving him to us. Thank you for forming every little cell in his body to make him what he is today. Thank you so much for letting him have good health. Thank you for his mommy and daddy and his big brother. I pray over his little life today so that he chooses the right choices and makes something out of himself that he will be proud of. Help him stay strong and grow up seeking you.

I thank you for my family, who bring me joy. Where I have learned to do right and suffered when I did wrong. Thank you for letting me wake up each day to see my parents.

Thank you for this world, help our economy grow strong again, and help us choose the right president.

Thank you for being in control of my life, and keeping your arms around me where ever I go.

Thank you for my friends especially the ones who help me grow closer to you.

Thank you for my church and letting us be able to worship you freely.

Thank you for my school, where I can go and gain knowledge.

Help me and show me where I am going to go after high school. Help me to stay strong through the rough times and help me make the right choice. Show me your plans for my life right now, show me to the people that can help me succeed to where you want me to be. And most wrap me with your loving arms.

I love you.
Your daughter, Missy


I took these awhile back and forgot about them!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


asleep with daddy

Big Brother D-J

Friday, October 10, 2008

Vincent Valentine Boyle

He was born at 1:48 am
weighing 6 pounds 10 ounces and he is 19" long
April went into labor and instead of stopping it they went ahead and took Vincent because his umbilica cord was in a knot and April started to get ulcers in her abdomen so at 12:45 Rick called and told my dad "you'll be a grandpa in less than an hour!" So I woke up to the news that the baby was born. I was all happy and still am! I can't wait to see my squishie and hold him!
He's a doll!!! once I get pictures I will post them!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Who taught this kid to make Kool-Aid?

After we finished our Rocky Road pizza in 5th period. Our teacher gave us some kool-aid to make if we wanted it. So this girl that was in our group went to the library and this guy alex wanted to make the kool-aid so i said okay. I assumed that he knew what he was doing. So I was putting dishes away and turned around to see all the sugar gone... I said "Allex where is the sugar?" He said "In the Kool-Aid" I said "What you just put a PINT of sugar in the Kool-aid?!!?!!?" "He said yea taste it its good, I did and spited it out becuase it was TOOOOOOOOOO sugary......

NEVER TRUST GUYS TO MAKE KOOL-AID!!!!! or first just measure the sugar out for them...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Addicting Game

my high score is 1216 can you beat me?

October 20, 2008

The day baby will be born. April went to the doctor again today and the baby is about 7 pounds now and she is dilating. He will be born at noon! I'm so excited!!!! Be expecting pictures soon!


I just ordered my little nephew a cute adorable blanket.

I also just ordered my little monkey a Pirates of the Caribbean action figure

And the best thing about it is...It was free! Well kinda. Target gave April a free $20 gift card and she sent it to me and this is what I got!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A change in direction

I am stuck right now. I do not know if God really wants me going to masters commission. I know he has really great things in store for me right now but I feel confused, I thought it was what he wanted me to do but I guess not. I have no clue what I'm going to do when I "grow up" or where I'm going to college right now.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Suprise B-day Party - - Your Never to old for a b-day party!!

We planned this last Friday and when they were practicing Sid set the table it was so cute! We had left over food from the missionettes thing and they let us have it and we had a nice time of fellowship with everyone!

Addicted to the helicopter game!
51 uno cards? + dogs treats? what kinda present is this?
Delicious cake! Thanks Andy and Becky!
mmmmm.....6 pounds of peanut butter. He's in heaven!
His b-day party folks.
Our family - ( minus) my bubba.

Right before they sang "Happy Birthday" They said to turn to page 51 (note that's his age) and 30 minutes later Dad finally got it! Page 51 = my age?!? Ahh.. haha...

Happy Birthday Dawg.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Quote of the day

I've been thinking hard about this one....

"I won't let people label me for who they think I am...Because God already has!"