Monday, December 14, 2009

A visit to the doctor...

I've been having really bad chest/heart pains for awhile and went to the doctor finally because i was short of breath yesterday and they did an EKG, blood tests, and a chest x-ray and the EKG and x-ray turned out good but the blood test indicated i have an abnormally low red blood cell count which is leading to iron defencey and the doctor also indicated that i have arthritis in my chest which could be from anxiety.. I am taking a 6 day steroid to help with the arthritis and pain medication. but all in all im glad it was nothing serious.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Did I mention...

I'm 19 now =]

Some updates finally

I got a new job working for Angla at her church - totally love it! Got to quit the day care and so much stress has left me since than. I also got another job working at a place called healthy families where I watch children while their parents are in some kinda group therapy stuff so they can work things out to stay with each other or something like that.

I also got a new boyfriend Chris <3 hes awesome. Nothing bad happened with Haley and I but after knowing each other most of our lives it was best we just were friends so we didnt ruin anything between our friendship and Chris is actually his best friend and Haley thinks its awesome that I am with Chris. We've been together 2 weeks today =]

I survived my first semester of college! Passed my english exit exam so I dont have to take remedial in there I can move on to college english! I am still in remedial math but the second part of it! I am taking bowling, math, english, and photography next semester its gonna be so fun! I am excited!

I have the most awesome dog who poses for me when I want to do a photoshoot! Totally awesome! Heres some pictures!

Monday, November 2, 2009

haha I love you dad!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Most of my favorites

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

An Unexpected Fate overview

This is my essay about Haley I had mentioned. I have been working hard on it, attending the writing center to get help with fragments and small errors. I also let Sandy read it and she helped me and helped me make it sound "nonchildish" she also helped me reword some things and add some detail. Thank you so much Sandy! I hope you enjoy.

An Unexpected Fate

Fate, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is the will or principle or determining cause by which things in general are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do. Some people believe in fate while others believe it to be an excuse. Personally, I experienced an incident that caused me to be a firm believer in fate. I was sitting at my computer absorbed in thought when my attention was drawn to a “friend request” on Myspace. It was a request from Ben Rainwater. I remembered a Haley Rainwater from Kindergarten. In fact, Haley had been my first crush. We had a great friendship and spent hours playing together as children. Upon seeing the request, I immediately questioned whether this was the same person. When I received a reply of yes, I was thrilled. We began to talk and set up a time to meet. Our first meeting was shy but then the friendship began to renew itself. We started dating a week later. So many wonderful things have happened since renewing my friendship with Haley. Haley has impacted my life in a positive way and has been an inspiration to me.
Previously, we had known each other as children in kindergarten. After being moved to a private school in second grade, I lost contact with Haley. We have always been a little more than friends because he was my very first crush and I was his. Throughout the years, I had thought of him often and wondered what his life was like. I do not exactly know how this happened but after eleven years of not speaking or seeing each other, he stumbled upon me looking through Myspace on the Internet. After renewing the friendship, we visited about how we used to be when we were younger. We discussed how we both had really blonde hair and how my mom and his grandmother did volunteer work for our school. Both ladies were always helping out in our classrooms and with special events, such as someone’s birthday or a big event such as the school carnival. Then the subject changed to a girl named Marina who often fought with me over Haley because we both had a crush him. It was good to laugh with an old friend.
I feel accepted by Haley because he does not point out my mistakes and imperfections. He does not care that I have made mistakes in my life. He does not care if I am rich or poor. He does not care if I am fat or skinny. He does not care about my hair color or hair length. He accepts my outward appearance and looks deeper into my feelings. Haley respects me for who I am and nothing less. I have talked with men before actually dating them and they would criticize something about me. Haley, however, has stuck by my side because he knows that we all make mistakes in our life and that we learn from them. He offers me good advice when I need it. For instance, I work at a preschool where some incidents have been going on that have upset me tremendously. Haley does not try to correct my outlook or look down on me, but rather reminds me that tomorrow is another day and things will get better. He makes me feel as if he would stick by my side and encourage me whatever the outcome. There has been many things going on in my life recently, good and bad. Some of the bad things that are going on have discouraged me. For instance, striving to do my best in school and then also the stresses I deal with at work. I feel comfortable and safe talking to Haley about the negative aspects in my life because I know that he will keep it between us. He has a lot of encouraging words to say and also jokes around with some of my negative aspects to make me laugh and to see a funny side of life. He knows exactly what to say to bring a smile to my face.
I realize that we cannot confuse bad decisions with fate. I have made many bad decisions which have controlled my circumstances. A good decision for me now, is to maintain a great friendship with Haley. He encourages me and helps me realize my positive attributes. The Apostle Paul speaks in I Corinthians 9, about a runner in a race who just runs aimlessly, beating his arms in the air and not having a goal. Haley has definite goals and therefore, he inspires me to set goals and take my fate into my hands by making good decisions regarding my future.
Haley’s life has not always been easy. I admire him because he’s gone through difficult areas in his life, and has not allowed them stop him from reaching his goals and dreams. Haley started having health problems in the seventh grade, when he found out that he had a brain aneurism. He had to have brain surgery which caused him to miss a lot of his seventh grade year which resulted in having to repeat the grade. Instead of being mad and upset about repeating his seventh grade year and dropping out of school, he stuck it out and will be graduating this year from high school. His plans after graduation consist of moving to Seattle, Washington and attending culinary school. With the passion he shows for his cooking and how he loves to talk about it, it shows me that he will be sticking to his plans. I really admire this attribute and also his courage in not giving up because of a health issue. By Haley keeping his hopes and dreams alive, it has encouraged me to keep my hopes and dreams alive as well. I recently wanted to major in nursing because I enjoy being involved with trauma, for example, attending motor vehicle accidences with the fire department I volunteer with. I know it is really hard work, and there are so many areas I need to improve such as my math and social skills. Right now everything seems to be so difficult. But I am determined to not give up now because I know we all have hard times in our lives. Just because things go wrong or become difficult does not mean we have to give up on our hopes and dreams.
Haley has changed from a childhood friend, to the kindest and dearest friend that has ever come into my life. I am extremely thankful that fate has brought us back together. Wanda Hope Carter wrote in To Achieve Your Dreams: “Take control of your destiny. Believe in yourself. Ignore those who try to discourage you. Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits. Don’t give up and don’t give in.” How inspirational. This is my plan to go forward with my destiny. I will not “give up” on my dream to be a nurse and I will not “give in” to my insecurities. I thank you Haley for your inspiration and friendship

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Goodbye University Hall

I didn't get to attend this event at ASU this morning - was going to and slept over at a friends dorm and didn't wake up in time - the loud noises scared me but it didn't phase me as to what was going on until I got a text from mom. I got these pictures offline. Enjoy!

Friday, October 23, 2009

One Month on Monday

I can't believe how time flies. Me and my sweet sweet Haley will have been together (in a relationship) for one month on Monday. It doesn't seem like we have been together that long, but we have. He is such an amazing guy with such an uplifting spirit. He loves going on walks with me, we love to play pool (although I have not played much because he was the one who taught me), he cooks the most WONDERFUL food for me (i have never tasted something so great before!), we constantly text like ALL the time, if we are not texting then we are together, we love cuddling next to each other and watching either a movie or the history channel. Something I REALLY want to do for his is take him to Washington DC. I love it there and I know he would too. He knows so much about history, and we get into some serious talks about it often too! I am in the process of writing an essay about him and be expecting it posted on here by Wednesday.

You are such a sweet sweet boy and you have treated me better than I could ever ask for. You are so special to me and I am so so thankful that you have came back into my life. I wish every girl could have someone as special and sweet as you are.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to...

YOU! Happy birthday baby! I hope you have a tremendous day! Thank you for all you do for me. You mean the world to me!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fun times with Haley!

Almost one!

I can't believe on this coming Saturday (October 10) my little nephew will 1. Wow how this year has passed. It doesn't seem like he will be 1. my little nephew is growing up :( he can craw, he still eats from a bottle, he loves to walk holding on to your fingers, he doesn't cry often rather he smiles more than he cries, he loves his baby food, and he loves his bubba!

helicopters and police cars!

Home depot had this event where they had helicopters, police cars, fire trucks, and an ambulance there where the kids could go see inside and stuff. I took Vincent and D-J and D-J loved it! Especially the helicopter and police cars. He got to sit in one of the cars and turn all the lights on and some family was walking in front of it and the police man told D-J to push a certain button and he did and it made the loud air horn come on and scared that poor family! D-J thought it was just the funniest thing ever. I love fun days with my sweet nephews!

There are many ways to sleep...

Monday, September 28, 2009


Ok you all wanna know more about Haley. Ok well Haley is 18 (my age) we are 1 month and 14 days apart! His birthday is on October 16th mines November 30th :). I seem so much more happier when I get to talk to him and be around him. His food is absolutely amazing! He is the best cook ever. The main things I love about him, he doesnt judge me, but accepts me for who I am and what I believe. I know he wont use me and treat me badly. He is there for me when I am down and makes me smile even when I am crying. We still dont know why we came back into contact after 11 years of no talking or seeing each other. I think it is only by Gods grace he brought us to be Boyfriend Girlfriend on the night of Saturday September 26, 2009. I pray that we last and our relationship goes further. He's all I've ever asked for and he's all I've ever wanted.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Proactive is NOT THE SOLUTION!

You see these pictures down below? Well it happened last night I tried my friends proactive solution to wash my face with and stuff and then put lotion on it because it started burning really bad and was beat red and had whelps. Well the whelps turned into scratches because it was really itching and I started scratching. I was suppose to work in the nursery today but went to show my mom and busted out crying because I look so ugly and I am embarrassed to be seen in public. I am STILL itching like crazy and its really getting annoying...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today I Think God for...

The sweetest boy ever, Haley Rainwater. I don't know what brought us back together and its amazing because we have become closer than ever since we were reunited last Thursday September 17. We've known each other since kindergarten and when I moved to private school in second grade it was the last time we saw each other or even spoke until he accidentally stumbled upon me on myspace and remembered me! I thought I would never get to see him ever again but I did! He is the sweetest guy ever! He is so respectful, and I honestly don't see much respect in a lot of guys. There are very few guys like him and they are not easy to find. I love spending time with him and I can't wait to see him tonight, he's making me a wonderful chicken and dumpling dinner and I can't wait!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I miss...

these wonderful people. I borrowed this from her blog, but indeed I miss them a lot!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm Tired

I am tired emotionally and physically. I'm tired of people who say that they are my friends and only blame me for stuff, I'm tired of being used, I'm tired of trying to work things out with friends then just always ending up back where I started, I am tired of doing so much for people and not even simply getting a thank you out of it, and in conclusion - im tired in general.


I got to hold a Chinese baby today at church who was adopted and I really would like to adopt from china and give a baby a home and a good mommy! I cant wait until I can do this. Its a major goal I have made in my life as of today, and after hearing the story behind this baby!

its been awhile...

its been awhile since my last post - alot has happened both good and bad, but hey its life. I regret I make wrong choices I've taken the wrong paths I do a lot wrong but if I didn't regret I wouldn't learn if I wouldn't have made those wrong choices I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't take wrong paths I wouldn't be on the one I am now. I've learned from my mistakes, and I can't just focus on the negative parts of life because they just bring you down. So instead I focus on the positive parts. It's much better in the long run...

School has been great. I am at ASU and I love it - I've met a lot of new people I've gone on a few dates with a guy named Max. But we are just going to stay friends - I dont think a relationship would work out with us... Anyways school keeps me busy with the homework and stuff its pretty intense but honestly i love it.

I went on my first call a few weeks ago - it was a MVA (motor vehicle accident) two girls attending ASU flipped their car right outside of town by grape creek but walked out without a scratch on them! Praise God!! Then a few days later on a Monday I went on my first fire call. it was so fun! They put me out in the fire on the hose. I honestly love being a fire fighter its so fun and I love the intense work. The fire started as a control burn then when they thought it was out it really wasnt and caught alot of old wood and stuff on fire and yea it was pretty bad but everyone is ok. I actually new the lady who owned the land. She was one of my senior teachers. How crazy is that?? She got to see me in action! haha...

hmmm...well i dyed my hair again Mahogany I like it, just wish it would get longer already lol... I also started chapter one at church and i like it so far, i just miss being apart of the youth and active in it. but it was my time to go and so i went, its very hard and i do miss it, but it was time...oh and i finally got my bed - love it!! I went with the bedding i posted on here. its so cute! haha ok well i think thats it for my updated post! untill next time enjoy :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Time to GROW UP!

Yep its time for me to grow up and get rid of all the kiddish stuff in my room...Thats what I did today not to mention emptying 92 hangers I never knew I had THAT many pieces of clothes... I got rid of a ton of stuff in my room and it looks a bit bare now but I love it! I am ordering me a new bed Tuesday from Ashley Furniture I cant wait!!

This is my bed minus the two outer pillars (those will come soon tho)

and Im thinking this bedding set!

Be careful of what you wish for!

It has been cloudy and stuff today and I wished it would storm badly...well I was just getting in the shower when I heard my phone go off, and it was a text from dispatch for a grass fire. I was like sweet I can start responding and so I rushed out of the shower and threw clothes on and rushed outta the house and on my way I was... Well I never found the spot of where this fire was so keep in mind its storming...and I was on this dark road and then all I see is white, everything in the car went off and then I hear the loudest clap of thunder I have ever heard. Lighting had struck right beside my dads car, and then once I could see again I had a dear run out in front of me and I almost hit it. I am so glad that the Lord had his hand over me!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Job!!!

As of today I started my new job, I no longer work at McDonalds but at a preschool/daycare! It was so fun, I felt that is where I belong!


My last year at camp, can anyone say AMAZING?

As most of you know I started working at McDonalds and worked two days before hurting my back really bad... Woke up Friday morning 3:30 am got ready for work but could hardly stand, breath, or do anything. I was a warrior and went into work anyway just to be sent home ASAP. I went to the doctor later that day to be told I have strained my lower back. I was sent home to do nothing but lay on ice and take Tylenol extra strength to help make the pain leave. Next morning (Saturday) I reached under my pillow for my cell phone when I felt my back pop, I then could not move from my neck down. I had to sadly call my house to get my mom to answer she came in and imedatley called the doctor, I went back into a walk in clinic to be told the same news but this time I was given muscle relaxers (750 mg) plus the Tylenol when needed, next morning (sunday) I woke up and could not feel my legs...This worried my family so mom came home from church and stayed with me. I went into see a physical therapist Monday morning to be told that not only my lower back was strained but also my mid back. He put me in a brace which helped and I felt like my back had more support, I started doing some exercises they told me to do and as a few days went by it started getting better, if not I was to go see a specialist. My main goal was to be better so I could attend my last year at camp. I was able to go but still being in a lot of pain I was not gonna let it stop me, I jumped around did what normal teens did but then I over did it so I had to go and lay down for awhile, but every night in service I prayed for healing and Wednesday night we sung the song "healer" when I just continued to pray, when I started to feel my back tensing up and my legs started going numb again, I said "Saten get out of my life, I AM HEALED!" as soon as I said that I felt immediate relief, I went to bed without any pain and without any medication. The next day we had the annual "Iron Man" race for the last day of camp, where I rain in the last part of it, not the last last part but where everyone is just running, I went without my brace that day too, but I had lost my balance while running and fell, I felt my back go into immediate shock and it started hurting a lot again but it wasn't going to stop me, I got up and kept running while saying I am healed, I am healed, I am healed! To this day I have not had to take any medication or wear my brace. God is simply amazing! Thank you Jesus for your wonderful healing power! Camp was simply amazing! here are some pictures!!