Friday, May 30, 2008


Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'm in love with....

my macaroni and cheese! I could so live off them for the rest of my life!!!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

our camping "trip"

Sunday night we had a cookout at Sarah and Landons house...It was fun, we played scrabble and the smartie pants won (Landon and Greg) (did I mention we played in teams?) Well Colleen and Sadie slept over since we did not have school Monday. We pitched a 2 bedroom tent may I add without instructions...And stayed out there till around 1:30 am. When I started to get a bad feeling about something and my back started hurting....Well around 2:30 am I was ALMOST asleep...almost...when someone knocks at the door. Being the smart person I am I went to get my dad and when he got to the door no one was there...weird... then around 3:30 am I heard a loud car (sounded like it had a sawed off muffler) so I got up to see if it was that person again...but by the time I was hovering over Colleens head I heard a BAM BAM BAM! I freaked out and ran to get my dad (in my mind I had a picture of a war movie no joke.) and I think I said something along this line... "DAD! The Natzies have returned someone is shooting at our house!!!!!!" he was already coming at me like a flying ninja monkey and I turned the lights on and then I called 911 (almost forgetting the #) the guy on the other line told me "Ma'am please calm down and speak clearly" All I remember saying is "SEND THE COPS NOW PLEASE..." then he kept asking me "When was the last time this occurred" I kept saying "IT JUST HAPPENED 2 SECONDS AGO SEND THE COPS NOW PLEASE...) Then finally about the time I got off the phone 2 cop cars pulled up...My dad was checking to see if they damaged my car any (there was a horrible nasty ugly VERY noticeable scratch on my passenger door dad said it looked like someone opened their car door into mine. It wasn't there when I got to Landon's but it so it had to happen between there and then...anyways dad got it fixed) back to the story. the cops searched our property the backyard tent everything...the cops were quite impressed with our tent pitching skills! But about 10 mins later they found that someone had lit and thrown about 100 fire crackers in a package into our lovely! It was very scary and we did not go to sleep till about 5 am. Just in case them people came back...Idiots.

A few nights ago Cathy gave me this bouncer for my new niece or nephew. I had it in my room and last night when I was getting ready for bed I come back in my room and find my dog laying on her back on the bouncer. Just like a baby... What will I ever do with my Honey? So I moved it by my bed so she could lay in it and I bounced her a few times just to scare her to get out of it, well it did nothing. Then she started to whine whenever I quit bouncing her to bounce her again....

HAPPY 2nd B-day D-J


Right after birth

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

a campout, creepy night, and a baby dog.

Sunday night we had a cookout at Sarah and Landons house...It was fun, we played scrabble and the smartie pants won (Landon and Greg) (did I mention we played in teams?) Well Colleen and Sadie slept over since we did not have school Monday. We pitched a 2 bedroom tent may I add without instructions...And stayed out there till around 1:30 am. When I started to get a bad feeling about something and my back started hurting....Well around 2:30 am I was ALMOST asleep...almost...when someone knocks at the door. Being the smart person I am I went to get my dad and when he got to the door no one was there...weird... then around 3:30 am I heard a loud car (sounded like it had a sawed off muffler) so I got up to see if it was that person again...but by the time I was hovering over Colleens head I heard a BAM BAM BAM! I freaked out and ran to get my dad (in my mind I had a picture of a war movie no joke.) and I think I said something along this line... "DAD! The Natzies have returned someone is shooting at our house!!!!!!" he was already coming at me like a flying ninja monkey and I turned the lights on and then I called 911 (almost forgetting the #) the guy on the other line told me "Ma'am please calm down and speak clearly" All I remember saying is "SEND THE COPS NOW PLEASE..." then he kept asking me "When was the last time this occurred" I kept saying "IT JUST HAPPENED 2 SECONDS AGO SEND THE COPS NOW PLEASE...) Then finally about the time I got off the phone 2 cop cars pulled up...My dad was checking to see if they damaged my car any (there was a horrible nasty ugly VERY noticeable scratch on my passenger door dad said it looked like someone opened their car door into mine. It wasn't there when I got to Landon's but it so it had to happen between there and then...anyways dad got it fixed) back to the story. the cops searched our property the backyard tent everything...the cops were quite impressed with our tent pitching skills! But about 10 mins later they found that someone had lit and thrown about 100 fire crackers in a package into our lovely! It was very scary and we did not go to sleep till about 5 am. Just in case them people came back...Idiots.

A few nights ago Cathy gave me this bouncer for my new niece or nephew. I had it in my room and last night when I was getting ready for bed I come back in my room and find my dog laying on her back on the bouncer. Just like a baby... What will I ever do with my Honey? So I moved it by my bed so she could lay in it and I bounced her a few times just to scare her to get out of it, well it did nothing. Then she started to whine whenever I quit bouncing her to bounce her again....

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

fighting to stay together.

Today has been a day. I FINALLY found the PERFECT bedding set for Aprils baby. It will go for either a boy or a girl and it is just SOOOO cute. Well I called to see how much it would be with shipping and everything. Come to find out they no longer carry the idem. This upsets me so bad because its something she would have liked and I feel so bad I cant get it for her...

On top of all that school is so stressful. So many tests to take and stress over if I passed TAKS or not (can this explain my face breaking out with 2 sores on the side of my face from scratching at it constantly?) I have no patients, It is hard to sleep at night. I'm so dead tired when I wake up in the morning and stay that way for the entire day. I'm tired of hearing my teacher tell us that we wont go to college and only brag over one girl in our class. It is very discouraging and hard to ignore.

I have this constant cough, I am not sick, but every time I get hot it is hard for me to breathe and my chest hurts so badly from it...

I am ready for this weekend not only because we have a 3 day weekend but also I may be able to rest some.....Maybe.....

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Tonight I received the Journalism award!! I was also stopped by my old ROTC teacher telling me what a wonderful job I do with photography and stuff, He also wished he had me back on his crew. So sad but I enjoy life outside of ROTC.

just a quickie

tonight is our awards ceremony. I was invited and will be recieveing a award. But have no idea what for. I'm quite nervous because there will be a lot of people there for their children... I will post when I get home and tell you what I received.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


This took me an hour and a half. Next step is cleaning the closet......

Multiple step process.

I saw this bird sitting the the rose bush and it let me get up close(I walked quietly and slowly) without flinching any!!

Baby Names

I talked to April and my bubba today and they gave me a list of baby names...

  • Jessica - I like this one and...
  • Skyler - This one and...
  • Katie - This one.
  • Amanda
  • Joe

There are 9 of them but I can not exactly remember the rest

Friday, May 9, 2008

So Excited!!

I bought this super cute shirt from Ross yesterday and I will wear it Sunday. Although the straps are a little on the big side. (Thank goodness for mommies and sewing tecaniques)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

This is so cute...You have to watch it!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

So today I woke up deph in my right ear and my left ear started to feel the same. So my mom called the Dr. and I went in at 4 today. I have an ear infection, junkey cheast, my nose runs all the time and it is so nasty, and a red throat. may I mention my throat has not bothered me...I'm glad he saw that before it got worce.... and I have bronkidus. Why why why. I do not like bein sick... although I have these cool looken pills to take. they are purple and aqua very pretty. and I only have to take them 2 times a day for 5 days!

I GOT A JOB!!!!! I will start watching this boy from church (Kaylen) durning the day and picking him up from school and helping him with his homework and stuff! I am so excited!!

Please keep my friend in prayer. She is having a very hard time. Her mother is dying and the doctors told them to start making funeral arrangments. this is a killer for her to because she does not get to see her mother much. Just pray that God will heal her 100%, but if it really is her time just pray that God gives her and her family stength.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

oh what fun it is to....

cough your head off every morning and evening and live with a "My ear needs to pop" feeling all day long and feel like you are talking louder then you really are......

I blame the WEATHER!!!

ooooo....the anticipation

I so can't wait to receive the email from my brother about the list of baby names. I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait!!!

My Daugher....

Isn't this the Cutest puppy face you've ever seen?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

oh my...

I have to be at petco in 30 mins. (with my SPCA group) I still need to... Shave my legs, wash my face, brush my teeth, do my hair, get dressed, get the harnesses on the dogs, put the dog crate in my car, put the dogs in my car, and drive for about 15mins.

But if anyone wants free tick and flee meds for your dog / cat come by petco from 10:30 - 2 I'll be there!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I love them!

I found these on Pottery barn and I think these are soooo cute! I wish Aprils apt. would hurry up so I know what I'm buying for.........


I need your email address...
Thank you :-)

I'm Excited!

There are some reasons I can not say why. but there are some I can say why..

  1. I may have just gotten a job!!!! Starting in August.
  2. We are having a babysitting night at the church next friday. Parents can drop their kids off and go out on a date from 6-10
  3. TAKS testing is ALMOST OVER! 1 more day!!!!!
  4. April finds out what the baby is this month
  5. D-J's second b-day is on the 28th (can't believe he is almost 2)
That's about all I can say...
