Tuesday, October 30, 2007

8 weeks

I will receive my b-day present. My letterman jacket! I am having 2 crosses on each shoulder and then Jeremiah 29:11 put in one of the crosses. I can't wait!

Its now!

3 weeks and 2 days! I'm uber excited! My nephew gets to come see me then i get to go home w/ him! Ohhhhhhh how I love him! I can't wait to see his bright and shiny face and cuddle him and get sweet kisses. Oh my I can't wait! Then I get to spend a whole week with him the very next week in Gause! I'm so excited.

Monday, October 29, 2007

3 weeks and 4 days =)
thats all for now!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Ahh. the month I've been waiting for is just around the corner! Heck yes! Although it will be very busy I still can't wait! Exactly 4 weeks tomorrow my nephew will be here! HURRAY! I get to take him and buy him his very own tricycle! I'm so excited! Then that next week I may go back to their house since I'm outta school that week! Then in exactly 6 weeks tomorrow is my 17 b-day! Yuppie! I'm excited!

As for school:
I do not like chemistry. I am passing all my classes and getting better everyday in Algebra 2 hurray. We had a test today and I think I passed it. It seemed easy and I studied all day today. We finally have our Sr. ad pages finished in Yearbook. And I have absolutely nothing to do in art since my project is finished. I have 1 week of nothing to do. How lovely. I love going to the library and reading books about Christianity I'm in the process of reading a book now called The story of Christianity. It is very interesting. Did you know 1/3 of the world call themselves Christian? See I didn't know that till today!

My life:
I didn't get the job at sears =( but I think God doesn't want me to do that so I will just follow him. I am not bummed about it. That gives me time to be sure school is going good with grades and all and then it also gives me time with my family. And also an opportunity to help Landon and Sarah with the youth stuff. I miss going up there everyday helping out with whatever. It may soon change.
Anyways there's a small update on my world.

Last Night

Last night Pastor Lennon came up to me and asked me if I would like to open the youth group in prayer after the last song. I was honored! Nothing has ever happened like this before =)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I'm desperate.

dad: "It's not even thanksgiving yet and your listing to Christmas music?"
Me: "So it's close enough it's cold outside =)"

for the past four days in art.

From this...To this...


Monday, October 22, 2007

Weird things about me...

1. When I was filling out a survay on myspace it asked my favorite smell Kansas had the same and I left it because come to know it this is my favorite smell.... I love the smell of Lori and Johns house, clothes, them, everything they own...I dunno it's weird but it's a very good smell. I'm weird I know...

2. I can not stand to use public bathrooms, but sometimes I have to. I will hold it until I'm about to wet myself. I refuse to use port-a-potties I don't care if I had to wet myself I will NOT use them.

3. I throw away some toilet paper that wasn't used by me first before I use it and I fold my toilet paper before using it.

4. I can not stand sleeping with my closet door open or sleep anywhere with a closet door open. It frightens me.

5. I get weird feelings if something isn't touched right. I will touch it until the feeling goes away.

6. I do not like taking baths. Showers are my friend. Baths are just creepy and weird.

7. I am very self conscious I do not like changing in front of people or showing off any part of my body that doesn't need to be shown (my stomach included)

8. If any of my clothes fall of a hanger or touch the ground I will not wear then until their washed.

9. I do not like sleeping in silence I find it hard sleeping with music or my tv on so I like my fan.

10. I can not stand any books, cd's or anything stacked if they are not even...


I have recently wanted it to already be Christmas. I am listing to Christmas music as I type this. Christmas seems very peaceful, I can't wait to just be with my family and reading the bible together on that cold winterly night drinking hot coco, taking the Christmas light tour. Oh man I can't wait!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

I feel so loved

My adorable little baby cousin (19 months) came to visit today! He looks a lot like D-J! But it's not D-J is Logan! Who is so adorable. I also saw my Uncle G and My Auntie D. I am so happy! It's been a whole year thats way to long!

Friday, October 19, 2007

So today has been really weird. I was feeling so well today. When I started eating lunch I started getting really hot then really cold. And It hurt so bad to walk. Yesterday in 4th period art I was tracing my grid for my picture we I'm working on and all of a sudden got light headed then really dizzy. Anyways after getting like I was today I decided to call home. My back was hurting I think I was cramping I'm not sure if it was stomach pains or cramps thats how bad it hurt. And then It hurt to walk. So weird. I feel really better now, I slept and took midol. I have not idea what was wrong. Never happened to me before....

Thursday, October 18, 2007

So Im bored to death...

I found some games for when you are older online =)

  1. Sag, You're it
  2. Pin the Toupee on the bald guy.
  3. 20 questions shouted into your good ear.
  4. Kick the bucket
  5. Red Rover, Red Rover, the nurse says Bend Over.
  6. Doc Goose.
  7. Simon says something incoherent.
  8. Hide and go pee.
  9. Spin the Bottle of Mylanta
  10. Musical recliners.

This picture I randomly found in some stuff, I miss my long hair =(

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Our new youth pastor...

Well tonight we found out who our new youth pastor(s) are going to be...Landon and Sarah. (pastors son and daughter n law) I still do not want new youth pastors because John and La were the best ones I've ever had. They will be coming the first week in December, if not a little sooner.
So much change in so little time......What has this world come to?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Today's job interview

So I think it went well. I said uhh. like 1,000,000,000 times but other then that it went okay. I was nervous. I hate this question. "Why should I hire you instead of someone else?" And she asked me "What is an excuse not to come to work" I replied "There is no excuse!" Thanks John for always telling me that! So I should know something by Monday. It's a temporary job through Christmas. It pays $7 an hour. So it's all up to God weather or not I get this job.

MEAT IS MURDER! I will not eat ground beef for awhile now.... My teacher told us that someones arm could have been chopped off in the process of making it ground meat. I don't want to be eating someones chopped up arm leg eat finger...whatever. uhhggg. While I had forgotten that while eating my burger tonight I ate 3 bits and lost my appetite.
So now you know that MEAT IS MURDER!

I'm so nervous...

I have an interview at 4:30 today. For the sears place. I'm so nervous!

Monday, October 15, 2007


Today I applied for my first job =) I applied at the Sears photo studio! I really do hope I get the job. The only downer is that I have to be 17. Only 1 month and a few days to go! Hurray! And thank you SO much Ester for helping me fill out my application, I had no clue as to what I was suppose to put down.

Thoughts about this week

  • Will it go by fast?
  • What are we doing in 7th period algebra 2 today?
  • Who will the sub be?
  • How will I do on my PSAT?
  • Will I be pushed into another edge of a wall by an idiot and hurt my shoulder again?
  • Will my teacher be as random as he can get?
  • Will my back ever stop hurting?
  • and When will I get my glasses fixed? today possibly?

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Here are the rest for now! Sorry the music stops randomly but uhh..this thing would not allow more then like 2 mins i think. So I had to cut it down in a decent spot...sorry... and these have sound!

October 13,2007

these are some of my pictures taken today at the park =)

Friday, October 12, 2007

My new adventurous way of life.

Sooooo....Yesterday I went for a 'walk' more like exploring... While I was exploring I found the greatest site ever to take pictures! I am so dead serious! I love it. To bad I did not have a good camera with me. The battery had died in my dads camera and I had no film for my other one. Soooo..tomorrow I will be taking pictures at my new site! Sounds like fun eh? My new wonderful site is around the Lily pond garden.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

tiz my mommy blog. don't forget =)

My adventerous day at the park!

My Photos....


5 more 6 weeks to go Till I'm a Sr.!!!!!! (I'm classified as a Sr. with my credits but really I have to be in Jr. classes because I can't skip a year!) So that means I have 10 more 6 weeks to go till I graduate! HURRAY!

Monday, October 8, 2007

The highlight of my day....

Was falling outta my chair about 5 mins ago. It was a sight to see! I was simply reaching for something on my floor, lost ballance, started falling grabbed for my fan it falls my camera flys across the room....oh my my my....the good new is my camera is okay!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

What a night!

Friday night was our first annual "Powderpuff" sleepover. It was fun! Tons of food, games, and fellowship! We played DDR, Guitar hero, Karaoke, we prank called people! and even had a shaving cream fight! All at Cathy's house! We LOVE YOU Cathy! It was a night not to forget! We didn't go to sleep until 4am and some of us got up EARLY! Talken about 8 am and some even earlier!! It was great fun!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My week in one word

So many many events this week has upset/stressed me out! Mainly with school. I have a very hard teacher whome is very hateful. Sometimes I wonder how I make it through that class, but my very encouraging note in my binder I put in there states that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthns me" Hopefully he does not count points off becuase it is not in HIS order since I added that bit of encouragment. but I will find out tomorrow morning.

We are having 6 week test this week also, I've done good so far. Still passing all my classes! The main one I am concered about is my algerbra test, I took my time and was very nervous about passing it (I was so nervous I scratched off almost all the paint off my favorite pencil =( ... )

Wednesday night was the upsetting part, with John and La gone it's hard going to church excited. They were my most favorite people ever! sigh...

but tomorrow is a new day! I look foward to the sleepover at Cathy's tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

To Daddy!


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What's happening?!?!?

Something Freaky weird was happening during the night last night. First my phone turned to the OFF position started vibrating for the longest time, then it would stop a few mins later it went off again. No the alarm was not set. Then the toilet was making funny nosies. It was creepy freaky weird!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Music is my life

I think this is my favorite work yet.
Music is my life! I miss being able to play my viola everyday.

Thank you La

Didnt she do a good job on my new adition to my blog? Thank you la! You rock =)


There are two baby kitties living in my backyard, I have not seem them but they are there. My mom saw them, I think the mommy cat came to get them, dunno...

It's dead =(

My hermit crab, it died. My poor poor hermit crab. I could not stand to look at it, it was discusting!! Yuck! After my other one goes then no more hermit crabs for me! I'll just stick with my dogs!