As some of you know, I haven't been home much at all for the past 2 weeks. I went to Mexico June 11-15 and then got home Friday night around 9:00 PM and then stayed home Saturday and left again Sunday to my brothers house and just got home today June 23rd. It will feel so good to be able to sleep in my bed, with my pillow and my blankets, man do I miss it!
And wait just a min - there is a draw back... no more getting up around 3-4 AM to put milk in a cup and warm it up for 30 seconds, and get baby D-J back to sleep - I'm not so excited about that though, I will truly miss that. And I'll miss sneaking my nephew into bed with me to sleep for a few hours before he wakes up, and miss his smiling face in the morning around 7am, then putting Sesame Street in and listing to Elmo sing "Hip Hip Hurray, Its the furry monster parade" and I will truly miss how he would always say "Cup" and smile with his few teeth he has then hug me when I took him out of his crib. I will also miss putting on his baby rock records at night for him before I went to bed. I found the easiest way to put him to sleep and that was to give him my pillow and blanket. No fussing, No fighting, No nothing, just sleep... and along nap at that!! oh and did I mention the Train? Yeah I'll miss that to! Yeah Right! It would go by like 2-3 times at night and like 5-6 during the day! And get this it was right across the road from the house to! It twas crazy!
Anyways enough about what I'll miss here are some pictures of him that I took. There will soon be more, as soon as I can get them to look cute. Oh and as soon as I get more time I will soon have a post of the hottest thing ever!
A Note From Nat
2 years ago
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