Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I promised a writing...

It's an old one but here it is!!!


As the day goes on...
and the night passes by...
My mind is left to wonder...Will I die?

Every night I think...Have I done the right thing?
Will there be a tomorrow? Or will this be the end?

A figure of a cross shows up in my head.
Reminding me that Jesus is NOT dead!

It may not seem right that from handing on that cross and left to die. And being beaten more that several times. But His memories will last forever.

He loves us so much that He died for our sins, but Satan still really wants his revenge!

Life is so short, choices are so slim
Even doing the smallest thing wrong
will change the direction your life was in

When He was being whipped He never told them to quit.
He suffered being beaten just so we could be forgiven.

He sacrificed His life so we could not have to pay a bad price.
All He asked for is for us to just be nice...

Just remember when worse comes to worse...
Jesus ran a much more difficult course.

He is our Father, Creator, and Savior...
So just remember He will be there forever!

What do you think? I have better ones but they are still under lock and key...