Thursday, October 25, 2007


Ahh. the month I've been waiting for is just around the corner! Heck yes! Although it will be very busy I still can't wait! Exactly 4 weeks tomorrow my nephew will be here! HURRAY! I get to take him and buy him his very own tricycle! I'm so excited! Then that next week I may go back to their house since I'm outta school that week! Then in exactly 6 weeks tomorrow is my 17 b-day! Yuppie! I'm excited!

As for school:
I do not like chemistry. I am passing all my classes and getting better everyday in Algebra 2 hurray. We had a test today and I think I passed it. It seemed easy and I studied all day today. We finally have our Sr. ad pages finished in Yearbook. And I have absolutely nothing to do in art since my project is finished. I have 1 week of nothing to do. How lovely. I love going to the library and reading books about Christianity I'm in the process of reading a book now called The story of Christianity. It is very interesting. Did you know 1/3 of the world call themselves Christian? See I didn't know that till today!

My life:
I didn't get the job at sears =( but I think God doesn't want me to do that so I will just follow him. I am not bummed about it. That gives me time to be sure school is going good with grades and all and then it also gives me time with my family. And also an opportunity to help Landon and Sarah with the youth stuff. I miss going up there everyday helping out with whatever. It may soon change.
Anyways there's a small update on my world.


La said...

I'm glad school is going so good! College, here you come! =)

God always knows what He's doing, doesn't He? What really disappoints now, we can usually look back on later and be relieved that God said, "No." So just be glad that He sees the big picture even though you don't. (Although you would have done a great job at Sears!)

Have you figured out that our phone STILL doesn't work? I think I'm going to go ahead and just get it turned off.

Missy said...

Yeah.. I think he has better things instore for me. What is wrong with you phone? I saw yalls van at walmart yesterday.