Wednesday, May 21, 2008

fighting to stay together.

Today has been a day. I FINALLY found the PERFECT bedding set for Aprils baby. It will go for either a boy or a girl and it is just SOOOO cute. Well I called to see how much it would be with shipping and everything. Come to find out they no longer carry the idem. This upsets me so bad because its something she would have liked and I feel so bad I cant get it for her...

On top of all that school is so stressful. So many tests to take and stress over if I passed TAKS or not (can this explain my face breaking out with 2 sores on the side of my face from scratching at it constantly?) I have no patients, It is hard to sleep at night. I'm so dead tired when I wake up in the morning and stay that way for the entire day. I'm tired of hearing my teacher tell us that we wont go to college and only brag over one girl in our class. It is very discouraging and hard to ignore.

I have this constant cough, I am not sick, but every time I get hot it is hard for me to breathe and my chest hurts so badly from it...

I am ready for this weekend not only because we have a 3 day weekend but also I may be able to rest some.....Maybe.....