Friday, September 26, 2008

an exciting day at walmart gas station

I went to get gas. I always put my money on a walmart gift gard not only because I get $0.3 cents off a gallon but its easier. Well I waited in line for about 10 minutes, finally get to the pump, prepay for my gas and they are out.... Yep that's right out of gas... The gas truck was there waiting to fill up the tanks underground but this stupid black car parked right in front of the truck so it could not move. Finally he gets to where he needs to get and I am still waiting for gas. This was about 20 minutes later. Then this guy was backing up and was not watching where he was going and hit a car...idiot...this car (the one that got hit) was a piece of junk and the guy was all sinsitive about it looking at it very closely and stuff... Lots of drama there. Then about 10 minutes after that I could get gas!!! Stupid walmart gas.... So I spent around 40 minutes at the gastation. No joke.
At least it was worth 3.36 a gallon!