Monday, September 8, 2008

I am a Jesus Freak, and Proud of it!

At lunch today some old friends of mine stopped me and talked to me, they told me congrats on my presidency for the FCCLA club and asked me what we do and I said we go to competitions and we cook and all kinds of things and they brought up something about cooking drugs. I was like no. We cook food. And then I said Doing drugs is a sin, they said "no its not...we make the drugs with plants that are here on earth" I had a rebuttal and said It IS a sin because it says in the bible that when you partake of the earth sinfully it will partake of you.(That is not word for word but I didn't remember where it was found.) then the bell rang. and All the last thing said is that I was a "Jesus Freak" I rest my case! :-)


La said...

What's wrong with cooking some drugs? You could sell them and use the proceeds for missions. Come on, Missy. Think outside the box! ;)