Monday, August 25, 2008

First Last Day of School Continued.....

Today was an okay day...I seem to like all my teachers, they are nice.

English 4 - I think my favorite teacher is going to be Mrs. Lyons. Like her whole family works in the school district. I had her daughter in law last year for english... Her class is going to be fun, she said that we are going to make costumes out of anything we can find and wear them around the school. We are going to go to the library to read, just whatever, I thought what a perfect time to read my bible! And we are going to go on field trips! hehe!! and umm...lets see...she is so darn funny along with the teacher next door to her....but she can be strict.

Independent and Family Life - not really sure exactly what we are going to do in there yet but I do know we are going to learn to cook some. Her room makes me feel at home, its so cute...she has things set up like a cottage, the rocking chairs with the big quilts and a checker game in the it! She also said she is going to read us a childrens book each time we go in her class. Because we are just kids in a big body...Tomorrow we are going to read Stella. It's about a bat...

Government - Is going to be fun, we have a first year teacher. He told us the only way we can fail is if we try REALLY hard... mm...

Ceramics - I think will be a blast! Our teacher is nice, and we are going to make tape sculptures. very weird.

Food Science - mainly just cooking. I have had this teacher before, she is nice.

Web Page - We have brand spanken new computers. I have also had this teacher before and she is also nice.

Personal and Family Development - Same teacher as Food Science. This class we will do some cooking, sewing, baby stuff...

I think God wants me to know how to cook! weird.... 3 out of 7 classes will involve

The one thing all the teachers told us is that we wont have homework...We WILL have homework if it is our your work and be homework free, slack off and have homework to do....mmm...easy choice....

I also found out today that Web Page and BCIS are college credited courses. I have taken BCIS in 10th grade and I'm taking Web Page so I will already have 6 hours of college by the time I graduate! Exciting...


kablot spot said...

Hey Chicken!

Glad to hear you will have a pretty easy year. My senior year was something out of a horror flick academically. I can't believe you are making me so old!!