Monday, November 26, 2007

My visit to D-J

I didn't know Alfalfa was my nephew...
Bath time was always fun, He loved to have his bubble bath and so when i would wash him with his baby soap I always made him laugh... This is something i did to make him laugh...

This is what happens when you give an 18 month old a duck...
You get a duck face.
He loved the horsey at Chucky Cheese we rode it together and he laughed the whole time and pushed the 'jump' button

Then the night we were by ourself all night. I came back into the room to make sure he was still in HIS bed and then i get this..... Thats my pillow and blanket. How sweet. We had fun I picked him up at 5 we went to Golden Chick and then came home ate I gave him a bath and gave him his medicine and we played till around 9:30 and I put him to bed. He stayed there all night long. He was TIRED!

Friday we were in College Station all day and Ricky took us to a strip mall and there was a target and Ricky had to do homework so he went to hastings and I showed D-J Thomas and he grabbed it and hugged it , he LOVES Thomas! So I decided when we met in G-Town that I would get mom and dad to buy it for him since I had just spent my money, so they did and D-J was filled with happiness until I said goodbye and put him in his car seat. I saw the tears starting now only in his eyes but in mine. We bonded he loved to give me hugs and these are not the fast little hugs but the ones that last for a little bit. He was so sweet, I miss him dearly!