Thursday, January 3, 2008

I revolve....

I revolve,
My life revolves around you
everyday, every way.

So this song is like the most awesomeness song ever. It really means a lot to me because my life does revolve around God, everyday and in every way.

I pray today
Christ with me
Christ before me
Christ behind me
and Christ within me
Christ beneath me
and Christ above me
Christ at my right
and Christ at my left
Christ when I lay down
Christ when I sit down
Christ when I get up
and Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks to me
Christ in every eye that sees me
Christ in every ear that hears me

Galatians 2:20

I was put to death on the cross with Christ, and I do not live anymore - it is Christ who lives in me. I still live in my body, but I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself to save me.

This Cd has a lot of devotions on it and personal stories. It is fun to listen to it. I would rather listen to it then music. I really understand it and enjoy it. I've listened to all 30 tracks about 3 times since yesterday and I don't get tired of it. It actually motivates me. Makes me think about things. It's different. They don't just talk but they have music in the background and they talk. This is not a video below but it is what I got the blue off of. It is more music then most of the tracks. Some have more music then talking and some has more talking then music. But every track has scriptures. It's really cool. I hope that I can get more girls to go the the Revolve Tour with me this year. Trust me it's life changing!