Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Long update (finally)

Tonight was fun. Landon and Sara are amazing. Although I still miss La and John dearly.
We had some new faces tonight, I think there were around 40 people there, not sure (thats how many bulletins I printed off and I didn't see any left over) I am excited to see what God has planned for us.

I am slightly worried, Jonah was listing to my new speaker and he said it was making a weird noise. And he said that the cone could be cracked or bent. I called Ryan and he looked at it and said something could just be loose, then I called my brother and he said that some stuff on the speaker may need to be turned down. I do not like playing it loud because it hurts my ears, it's not blown, but can it be hurt by this noise? Oh for the love of gold, why do I worry so much?

We got a new teacher today in my history class, our principal made our old one resign because of his seizures. I miss him, he was fun, funny, outgoing, and very smart. Our new teacher is very uptight and strict. Our class is very responsible because one day our old teacher was out due to having a really bad seizure, and we had no teacher for our class period. We didn't get into any trouble and we even found our work we were suppose to be doing and did it and turned it in. But this new teacher thinks we are all not responsible. mmm...I hope this changes.

As for first period, chemistry w/ Mrs.Kelley I absolutely stress out before going to this class. It is horrid. Get this I was doing my work like I was suppose to and when she walked by I was bouncing my papers to get them even again she said "What are you doing, are you doing your work." I said kinda rudely "Yes, I was just bouncing my papers to get them even again" I didn't mean to say it rudely but it just happens when you are really annoyed w/ someone. I feel as if she teaches us to fast, I feel as if I have not learned anything this year. Sure I get distracted by my friends around me but it never causes me not to learn. And she yells at me even if I ask my friend for help because she ignores my hand being in the air for 5 mins. (I'm dead serious about the 5 min part) I think she just needs some Jesus in her life. Too bad I can't read my bible in there AFTER I do all my work, she is known to tear up personal items. She tore my friends spiral up that she wrote her feelings in, because she had it out on her desk. Weird eh? Yep, I should share Jesus with her...But how? I pray for her but uhh... I guess I just don't have any faith in it. That will change. I had faith in my back to stop hurting and I have not had a back ache in 2 weeks =) God is awesome!

Now enjoy some random thoughts...

My mommy's toe seems to be doing better, she keeps hitting it though. Poor mommy.

I get to watch Melissa's kiddies on Friday =) I'm excited.

I have math homework I still need to finish (maybe tomorrow)

My math quiz has been postponed (praise God!)

I still need to start on my Christmas shopping for my ma and pa, and my babies (honey and jewel)

Landon's message was amazing tonight, he knows a lot about sheep.

I'm really tired but do not feel like going to bed.

I need to put my pictures from my party up here but I just haven't felt like photo editing lately.

I want to go take pictures of random stuff but I just have not had time to. (maybe Saturday) I miss taking pictures dearly.

I am getting a pink camera for Christmas. I really do not care if I get anything, I like to give more then receive.

Well I guess thats all for now, I'm going to go read my bible some and fall asleep doing so...

Have a Happy Thursday!


La said...

I'm glad you guys had fun tonight! I was thinking about y'all. =)

Missy said...

=) I miss you! Will you put some new pictures of the kids up for us?

beautiful chaos said...

Awww.... You really are too sweet!
I love reading your blog!

Missy said...


Sarah P. Henry said...

we thought ya'll were pretty amazing too. i can't wait for next week!