Sunday, August 5, 2007

Tonight in Wichta falls

So Julia and I played sooo much tonight at the church. I was her pony and crawled on my hands and knees with her, and spun her so much I was so dizy and when we would spot she would say "again again" so we did it again and again and again. Then I would be like "Julia lets rest some" She said "No again again again" So being me I did it again and again and again. I was so dizy. Then we did the cannonball and she just laughed and laughed. It was so cute!!

Well I got to go now. buh bye now!!


CG said...

You are so great with kids! You are such a blessing to be around. I am finally up and running. call me! Cat

Meems said...

Hey M. I hope you are having a good time on your trip.

beautiful chaos said...

Little Miss! Glad to hear you guys arrived at your destination.
I have a theory on youth trips:
No, it'll take too long here. Maybe when you get back I'll share it with you!
You're the best there is with the little ones!

Missy said...

Jes I am having a blast!!