Thursday, September 6, 2007

GO AWAY!!!!! FOREVER!!!!!!

I have had hiccups all STINKEN day and they WILL NOT go away!!!! I've had them since 11:30 A.M. and I STILL have them!!!!!! Why wont they just GO AWAY FOREVER and leave me me alone?

This is embarrassing. My teacher asked me a question, my answer was Hiccup! then the answer... The whole class laughed; :-( I hate them. They wont go away, not with water, deep breaths or ANYTHING!!!!!!


La said...

There once was a farmer who had them for 60 YEARS. Seriously. Not to freak you out. =)

Missy said...

60 years??? That's along time, and I would be OLD! I think they are slowly starting to go away. They are not constant anymore, its not hiccup hiccup hiccup anymore its more like hiccup.....hiccup.....hiccup....
Hopefully they will be COMPLETLY gone when I wake up!