I hate being sick. Wednesday night my throat started hurting. I get up on Thursday and I feel completely horrible. I was coughing and could hardly breathe. So I stayed home from school and as the day went on I only got worse. It was very hard to walk, I had to pick my fork up with 2 hands because it was too heavy for one. I ate about 3 bites of chicken pot pie and was finished. I woke up every hour last night. It was horrible. I stayed home from school again today and my mom stayed home w/ me because she isn't feeling well either. My mom had a DR. apt about 10:45 this morning and she tried to get me into see a doctor but either they were booked or my doctor was out of town or you could wait 4-7 hours in a walk in clinic. My moms doctor told her to bring me in w/ her and he would see what was wrong with me. Well that went well come to find out my throat is red and irritated only because of sinus drainage. So he put me on this super strong medicine that I take for 5 days. and I should be back to myself by Tuesday! Not to mention my dad came home sick from work today to! So we are just all sharing this nasty crud around our house!
A Note From Nat
2 years ago
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