Monday, April 28, 2008

Baby Stuff.

So I get to buy my new niece/nephew's bedding! Well they had the winnie the pooh stuff before and I thoght that since they already had winnie the pooh stuff just to get this bedding. Well I don't really care for winnie the pooh I like more of a plan stuff (like flowers, different colored squares circles etc..) But I liked the colors and stuff so I am thinking about buying this one..Any input on cuter stuff thats cheap??

Sorry it's really blurry.

I REALLY like this one but it's to expensive and I dunno if they are having a girl yet.


La said...

Where's it from? There are some Ebay stores that have really cute sets that are super affordable. Are they letting you pick out and buy the bedding?

Missy said...

The first is from Walmart and the second is from Target. They are letting me pick it out and buy it. I just don't buy stuff online.