Monday, April 28, 2008

My first joy ride....

Sooo.. here were my plans for today.
Go to outback pick up this onion ring thing that I had a coupon for (my dad loves them) go get these ice creams from Dairy Queen that I also had coupons for...and go home....

Well all went planned until I had to take a detour home (due to a serious wreck) Well I call my dad b/c I was completely lost I finally turn onto some road and about 30 mins later I finally come to the highway. I was about 15 miles outside of Stirling city. And for those of you who do not know where that is...well its about 45 mins south of here...How lovely! I was scared and nervous that I would not find my way home b/c I didn't know where I was. And I couldn't explain to my dad were I was... So here I am just cruising along wishing I could go home and finally about 6:30 I find my way home!

Now I went w/ my dad to go fix something at this one house and I called my mom this is what she said "Are you lost again?" Oh lovely! and then I asked my dad on the way home about what this new thing is going to be when they finish building it. He said a fast food joint so we could not have to go across town and get lost on the way home.....

Oh for the love of being me....Praise God I had my celly with me or I would have been in some deeeeeeep pooooo......