Monday, April 21, 2008

A search for lead takes a sudden turn.

It was about 4:15 I decided to start on my math homework...I needed led for my pencil and was searching for the pouch I kept it in and came across this ball. It was a ball you put treats in for your dog and it pushes it around and gets them out. Well I decided to play with it and put treats in it for my dogs...This thing said to turn to open. Well It didn't open (I thought this part popped off) and I got my finger stuck in this ball..

I turned to mom and said "My fingers stuck"
She said just pull it out.
I tried "Mom it wont come out, It's stuck"
She said "Go run some water over it"
I did "Mom it's still stuck and its swelling"
She said "Call your daddy"

So I did. I held the phone with this ball stuck on my finger and dialed with my free hand. It was quite hard.

His office clerk dude answered and I was like
"May I talk to my dad?"
"He just stepped out of the office"
Keep this in mind, I have a swelling finger stuck inside a ball and nothing it working to get it out. I am losing my patients.
I said "Well its kinda an emergency."
"Hold on just a sec." he said

Finally dad answered.
"Dad my fingers stuck and it wont come out"
"Stuck in what"
"A ball"
"A ball? How"
"Yes a ball its the dogs toy"

My mom said "Let me talk to your daddy"

While they are talking I'm looking at this ball on my finger thinking about how in the world I was going to get my finger outta there.

Then mom said "Come here" She pored dial soap all in the hole of the ball and it did nothing....
"Hold on" she said...
Well when she came back in with a hack saw I was quite worried...
"Wait Let me play with it some more before you go crazy on this ball"
"You've done tried now put the ball on the counter"

She started sawing away... Then took a screw driver and a hammer and started to bang in the hole she created. It was quite painful. She tried to move the ball ways my finger could not go...

She went to get a chizzle and while she was gone I pored a whole buncha dial soap down that stupid hole and prayed for my finger to pop out. and that it did! I had to pull really hard and it was REALLY painful but I did not want anymore sawing of this ball. It was horrid.... then afterwards I looked at the ball again and the "Turn to open" just meant to turn the little yellow thing in order to make that hole my finger got stuck in bigger or smaller for the treats to come out.... I feel dumb.

oh by the way my dad left work early to rescue my finger..

the blue hole is where my finger got stuck.. not the yellow one.
This is the hole where my finger was stuck..

My mom trying to rescue my finger


La said...

I totally could envision this happening. =)