Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm running in circles and I don't know when to stop!

This week is going to be BUSY!
I have survived day 1 of TAKS boot camp. It was quite fun! We had an hour and 15 mins for lunch and we are finished by 2:45 but cant leave school till 3:30 normal time. We walk from the old lincoln back to school around 2:45 and sit in the cafertiria till 3:30.

Well tomorrow the Jr's and Sr's are walking back to school around 10:20 or so because we are having the shattered dreams presentation. If you don't know what that is click here.
Then we will go back eat lunch, then work on TAKS stuff till 2:45. I come home go to church enter the youth stuff come back home and work on homework for awhile.

Wednesday boot camp/ notebook to turn in for test grade / church

Thursday boot camp / finish homework

Friday boot camp / time to relax! Till monday when I start MATH boot camp! Whoo...Hoo..BLEH!