Friday, July 25, 2008

Summer Camp

Oh my gosh Camp was SO amazing. God worked in several areas in my life. I met TONS of great people, had TONS of fun, and even met a guy named Nick.. Amazing huh? His story comes later. First and for most more we must go in order........

We got to camp had tons of fun playing in weird things while waiting for our dorm assignments. I went on a thing called the Orbit. It was
freaken awesome! It made me amazingly dizzy though. haha. Then we went and found our dorm got to met the people we stayed with and had a fun time making ourself at home haha. and then we discovered that we had 17 girls in our dorm with 2 showers. YES you read correctly 2 showers 17 girls. Amazingly we survived and ALL showered everyday! Then there was service. God immediately started moving in my life. Delivering me from Worry, Stress, etc... That my friend is all in worship, we have not even HEARD the sermon yet. But we had service and our speaker was so cute and funny His name was Jason Peterson. He spoke on how the altar was our place to talk to God and how it just does something when you get up and go from YOUR seat to the ALTAR. Well at the altar I broke down crying praying for peace and strength to get through the week without worry and stress from me being away from my mom since she was going to be home alone and stuff this week. Well God told me "Leave it to me Missy, I will take care of her" Then I prayed for healing in her feet, and God told me that "She is HEALED, she just has to accept it, believe it and live it" Truly a burden lifted off my heart. Then we had our late night service and had tons of crazy fun sung the "night song" and off to bed we went at 12:30 am... Didn't go to sleep till closer to 2 am...

We got up at 8:30 ate and went back to clean our dorm. Then went to the tabernacle and had crazy fun with our teams and stuff May I mention I was a WHITE MONKEY! GO WHITE!!! and we had some competitions and most of the girls (including myself) were cheerleaders! After our morning challenge we had our devotion time in our cabin with our dorm monitors. Cabin 2 B was our cabin. (Colleen,
Mexa, Danielle, Jayme, and I) and we talked about Faith. and what we thought it was and stuff. Hebrews 11:1 was our verse...After our small groups we went to lunch and then went back to the tabernacle for our afternoon challenges. We played games against one team. like blue and get the point.. then after that we had Free time. I went on the seedo and got thrown off the tube and skid across the water on my face. blacked out for a min. The guy that was driving kinda freaked out and was asking me if I was okay like 100 times! But all I had was abit of a black and swollen eye. Then we had to clean up and go to dinner and service. That night we talked about Elijah and the valleys in life that we will face. I really took to heart what he said...."If God is all you want you will not go through these valleys alone, God will be there with us. God of the impossible will fight for YOUR life" That was truly amazing. I LOVED this sermon. God again spoke to me, and during worship I just broke down crying again. But this time I was seeking God to help me get through the valleys in my life. and I was shaking, praying in the spirit, and just getting filled. I then went to find Landon because I just needed him at this point. and I told him what I was feeling and what God was telling me and he asked me how I felt, and I said scared. He told me "Missy just let it all go" and when Landon told me that I fell to the ground because my legs were shaking so bad. and I felt God come into my body. Starting from my head, I was completely numb, and my hand was stuck in this weird possession and I could not move it. Colleen played with it and moved my fingers but they just went back to that possession. It was amazingly weird. then we had snack shake and late night and went to bed.

We had our morning challenges and then our small group. It was amazing! We talked about how God was our Councilor! John 14:16-17 And also about the holy spirit. The main thing I got out of that is that Jesus and His disciples worked together. And that means if I want to be like Jesus then I need to work together with my Christian friends to help others know Christ. Then it was time for our afternoon challenge. We were playing slip and slide kick ball. with 2 bases. 1st base was a swimming pool and you had to jump into it then when you were ready slip on the slip and slide. Well when I went to get on the slip and slide I fell backwards and hit my head really hard and spent a good 2 hours in the nurses station with ice on my head. I ended up with 2 knots on the back of my head and 1 on my neck. It hurt. They kept me in there for awhile because I had blurry vision and I got dizzy really easily and I had a lot of pressure on the back of my head. And after they released me to go to my cabin to get ready for service, I was walking by myself and this guy came up and started talking with me and introducing himself and stuff. At the night service we talked about Selfish vs. Selfless. and went through Peters life. How he did not follow God then he did. and the only two verses in the bible that talks about coal used in a fire were the two times Jesus met with Peter. It was an amazing service.

We had our morning challenge and then our small group. I had no voice so I didn't get to put my turn to talk and share things that had happen or what my thoughts were :-( But we talked about Serving others. Mark 10:23 and Just by doing the most simplest thing like straightening up your table at a restaurant can serve someone. And Serving others means Serving others even when they don't deserve it. I think this was my favorite time at small group Just because the smallest things can make a BIG difference. and so after small groups we had the IRON MAN competition!
WAH! As I was walking to the lake Nick caught up with me and we talked....hehehe.I got to swim in the lake and smell like a fish. ew. It was fun. Red team won though :-( Our last night at service Jason talked about Preparing the way mainly it talked about how we need to sacrifice to serve God. If you want to be like Jesus You HAVE to live like he did. I enjoyed this service to. After service is when things got to be interesting. I got Nicks # and HIS email addy! EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee. If you REALLY know me you know that thats not something I would do. Okay well I got half of it. Danielle got his # for me and then the guys didn't think I had it in me to get his myspace or email or whatever. But I did!

But now for the conclusion. I'm glad to be home. One week at camp is a work out! and may I mention nasty. Wearing the SAME clothes everyday for competitions. having sweat, paint, lake water, mud, etc. thrown all over you was nasty. but at least God provided showers! ha.